
One of the things that record lovers talk about as a way to explain their fascination with vinyl is the sound quality of that medium. Scratches, skips … the imperfections give the sound emanating from the speakers a homey quality that can’t be reproduced by the higher quality digital technology.

It’s kinda funny because that better quality, clearer sound was what producers used to promote. It was the reason digital sound was considered superior to vinyl. You could really hear the true vocals, the true tones of the instrumentation.

Well, although vinyl has made a comeback. What’s in store for its future is something a little different. According to Digital Music News, an Austrian company has taken out a patent on technology that will allow them to make HD quality vinyl. I guess that means that that classic vinyl sound will be, once again, gone in favor of clear, high quality digital sound.

What do you think? Which would you prefer more – vinyl sound with its classic imperfections or vinyl that sounds digitally perfect?