Here’s What To Do When Your Mac Gets Glitchy
It’s always the same, right? We never think about our computers until they stop working properly. Except for a short bit of time when I had no choice but to work with a PC, I’ve been a Mac person since (practically) day one. I love how easy it is to use. (Though my computer used to be a lot less finicky before Mac entered the computer popularity wars in the 90s!)
But, Macs are still virus-proof, right? Well, not really. I learned that the hard way a few months back when I somehow managed to download Adware. Now, in the grand scheme of things, being plagued by Adware is a minor inconvenience compared to the damage that a serious virus and other kinds of Malware can cause. And yes, Macs are prone to getting the serious stuff, too. Arm your computer with a really good virus protection software.
I don’t know about you, but for me, my computer is like a lifeline. I use it for work, for downtime, for communicating, for almost anything. It’s a fundamental part of my day-to-day existence. Ok, maybe I need more of a life. But, I’m betting that most of us have come to rely heavily on that one piece of technological wonder.
What do you do when it stops working properly? Worse yet, what do you do when it stops working properly in the middle of a DJ set?
Has that ever happened to you? Let us know what happened and how you handled it. In the meantime, Joey Santos over atย Digital DJ Tips explains how he handled his mid-set computer disaster, and what he learned about optimizing his Mac’s performance. Check it out here.
It happened to me one time. All the time before I go to the gig, I do a restart and make sure all is turned off event the wifi. One time a software for my blackberry got stacked even I did not open it, it was consuming a lot of memory and my TRAKTOR software stop working. I play with vinyl + Traktor Z2. I Always have 4 real vinyls in case the time code got stacked, the transition wasn’t smooth, I covered it up wit the mic ๐
It’s happened to me where for some reason my new 2016 macbook started glitching as in giving slow feed back per say while useing Serato Scratch Live , luckily I took my old Mac book and it came to the rescue , so now everywhere I go I take both my Macs not interestead in selling my old one no more ?
I work for apple.. and adware and ransom ware are not viruses. Yes it’s really rare that apples get viruses and when there is one apple send out a update to fix it. I use Serato scratch live and DJ