Serato Software Update

It’s that time again, folks. Time to sign up for yoga and meditation classes … or anything that will keep your frustration under control while you update your software.
It’s inevitable, isn’t it? You dutifully keep your software up-to-date so you can have access to all the latest improvements. But, you end up running into glitches.
I really think that the disconnect lies in our expectations of how fast, convenient and ready-to-function technology should be given how much we depend on it. Or at least, that’s what I expect! Despite all the improvements in technology over the years, compatibility still proves to be the sticking point.
Serato has just released its latest update – 1.9.1. It features bug fixes, performance improvements, support for Mac OS X El Capitan, Rane Sixty-Series mixers and the Mixars Duo. With this update, Serato is offering both support for the Pulselocker Basic Plan and a free two-week trial of the streaming service as well.
As I’ve written before, keeping your technology up-to-date is really important. But, because glitches happen, please don’t embark on an update just before a gig!
Have you updated your software yet? Let me know what you like/don’t like about it.