
Have you ever wondered what happened to the school mates you don’t see anymore? Some of them have probably gone on to lead respectable (read: typical, boring, expected) lives. Then there are the jerks. Remember them? I know, you try not to. I’d rather not either. Honestly, who did they think they were anyway?

Stu, over at Wunder Ground Music, happened to be wondering the same thing. So, he checked into it. According to a recent study (not really), all those jerks you went to school with have now become … DJs!

And you thought you were rid of them. Nope. Now you know that all those DJs you run into who couldn’t give a crap about booth etiquette or how to be a great opener are actually the dorks you hated at school. I don’t know why I didn’t figure it out before. I can just hear them thinking, “Hey, if Paris Hilton can do it, so can I!”

Need more evidence? Check out Stu’s article here.