
Everyone dreams of making it. How many of us will actually act on those dreams, trying anything to make them come true? Reading a lot of inspirational literature will fill your head with lots of mantras, like “I can do it” and “no obstacle will stop me”. That kind of self-talk does have a place. If you’re not confident you can make something work, chances are very good that it probably won’t work.

But, there’s another aspect to making a dream come true that has nothing at all to do with conventional wisdom and mantras. Sometimes, you just have to have blind faith. You know, it’s that naïve (according to everyone else) belief that whatever you want to achieve is entirely possible.

Phil Morse over at tells his story of doing just that. Refusing to listen to naysayers, refusing to get bogged down by rules and limitations, he and a friend decided on what they wanted to do and they just went for it.

Tell us about that time when you did something purely on blind faith.

Read Morse’s story here.