So, just the other day I reported to you how many millions of dollars certain DJs earn throughout the course of a year. Calvin Harris, Steve Aoki … you name the famous DJ, and you can be sure their pockets are nicely padded.
It’s fun to read about those DJs. But for most of us, reality is slightly different. Ok, more than just slightly. Many DJs are struggling just to get by. Many DJs aren’t even able to DJ full time because they have to hold down a regular job just to pay the bills.
Where do you fit into that picture?
As a kind of reality check (or bubble burster!) Thump News compiled a list of the lowest paying DJ gigs. If you DJ at retail or restaurant locations, you’re probably not paid very well. If you’re a frat party DJ, you’re probably paid even worse.
Check out the list here. What kind of low-paying gigs have you played?