DJ Q & A – Should I Switch To New DJ Software?
DJing is a constantly evolving industry. As working DJs, we’re inundated with trends, debates, new software and new equipment.
Faced with all the choices, how can one DJ build a career without going broke or crazy?
Joey Santos over at Digital DJ Tips tried to answer that question recently. Here are his most important points:
- consider: what kind of DJ do you want to be?
- become familiar with different software and equipment;
- consider expanding your brand in other ways, like including video in your performance;
- let your dreams of the future guide you to the right equipment;
- consider whether your finances can handle more equipment and software purchases;
- every software and piece of equipment has its advantages and disadvantages – decide what you can handle and stick with it.
Check out all the advice here. What would make you switch software and equipment?