
Newsflash … mobile is the way to go. Ok, so that’s not much of a newsflash. It’s been true for a long time. There aren’t too many of us who can get through a day without checking in on our mobile phones, screening videos on our mobile tablets and listening to music on our mobile mp3 players.

Mobile, portable, crazy futuristic stuff … whatever you want to call it, the fact is that everything we do is touched by mobile technology. In many cases, much of what we do depends entirely on mobile technology.

DJ-ing is no different. Most DJs still spend thousands on turntables, CDJs, cables, whatever. All that stuff is part of the art of DJ-ing, but it’s also part of the show.

That equipment isn’t going anywhere soon. But, I can see at some point in the near future where the stuff that DJs have to cart around with them is great reduced … right down to one or two portable devices.

And how is that going to even be possible? How about with the invention of more apps that allow DJs greater flexibility?

Check out the 5 Best iOS DJ Apps that might be the future of DJ-ing. Would these apps make DJ-ing better for you?