
There’s a lot that goes into making a party great for a crowd. A huge part of that is the music, of course. But, a DJ’s attitude factors in, too. Imagine a DJ who’s also a bit of a jerk. He’s going to be rude to just about anyone, including the crowd. Sometimes, people don’t notice. Sometimes, it’s hard not to pick up on that negative vibe.

Someone who’s almost always on the receiving end of a negative attitude is the incoming DJ. Say you’re kicking off the party. You know you’ll be behind the decks for a certain period of time. After that time’s up, another DJ will step into the booth and take over.

That shift change can be fraught with issues. Did the opener leave room for the headliner to set up his stuff? DJ etiquette isn’t just a nicety. It’s an absolute necessity.

Have you run into shift change problems? Tell us about them! Check out the article that inspired me to write about this issue again here.