
I have a confession to make. I’m a recovering perfectionist. I was that person who would spend way too much time tweaking a mixtape until I could no longer tell what was good or bad.

Does that sound like you at all?

If this describes you, I don’t have to tell you what manner of problems it can cause. Instead of turning out a great mixtape in, say, a few hours, you’re turning one out in, say, a few days, months, or worse, years!

Don’t worry, though. There’s hope for all of us. The first step is telling yourself that no one, not even the most famous DJs, ever produce something that’s perfect. After that, take these steps:

  • Set a deadline. Decide whether you want to upload a mixtape once a month, once every three months … whatever works for you. Then do it. Even if the work is unfinished or not what you consider your best, just upload it to your favorite website. You’ll be encouraged by the positive responses to your efforts.
  • Review your old stuff.Β After you’ve uploaded a few tapes, go back and listen to the early ones. Notice how much you’ve improved just by releasing your work to the world.
  • Become the teacher.Β Other DJs love hearing other people’s mistakes. The point isn’t to laugh at the DJ. It’s to learn from them. Every time you hear some other DJ’s mistakes, you’re reminded that he’s human and in a constant state of learning … just like you.

How does your perfectionism get in your way?