
Like most DJs, you’re always looking at the latest tech, the best computers, the best software … anything that will help you make DJ-ing better for you. Improving your gear, though, can sometimes prove to be more of a headache then holding on to your old stuff.

The fact that computers don’t last for decades and the fact that technology updates come down the pipes almost monthly, means that your equipment is constantly hovering on the edge of irrelevance.

So you go out every year or two (or sooner!) to buy a new computer, new software, new whatever. Then comes the scary part.

You have to transfer all your stuff – settings, playlists … your entire music library in every sense of the words – to your new system. That necessary part of using that new technology alone gives me the willies.

What if something goes wrong and you lose everything? No worries! Here are 5 tips to get you through a library transfer.

Check them out here.