Mental Health And The DJ Brain
Mixmag recently published an article on DJ mental health. The idea author Colin Brownbill was getting at in that article was that even DJs can develop mental health problems that stem from the work they do and the pressures on them.
It’s great that this issue is being talked about, and it’s true that work pressures can have negative affects on our health. I absolutely encourage all of you to care for your own mental health.
But, Brownbill’s article does a huge disservice to those who suffer from mental health issues. Contrary to what he and ex-Magnetic Man Benga carelessly claim, Schizophrenia (and other such conditions) are not brought on by excessive touring and drugs. Mental health conditions – from the most benign to the most serious – are all complex. A heavy touring schedule and drugs can make the condition worse. But they don’t necessarily cause the condition in the first place.
Mental health problems can affect anybody and everybody regardless of your work or the family you come from. The problems can come in a full spectrum from mild to severe. All of us need to talk about these issues. All of us need to be open to, and understanding of, people who suffer from these conditions.
Passing off mental health conditions as easy to cure with a simple change in lifestyle (as both Brownbill and Benga do) is misguided at best and dangerous at worst.
Take care of yourself and others, and don’t ignore the signs of mental stress.
Read the article that inspired my rant here.