It’s been said (rightly so, I think) that Kendrick Lamar has done more for hip hop than anyone over the last decade or so.
Hip hop has its roots in protest. Then it lost that and became almost solely concerned with commercialism and making money. Lamar has turned the tide. His lyrics are political essays on social injustice. Finally, there’s some substance again to hip hop.
Hip hop also came from the bottom up. It was never supposed to be a creation of music industry big wigs. But, that’s often what it became.
Once again, Lamar comes to the rescue. At every show, he turns the spotlight back onto ordinary people. He picks someone to come up on stage and sing with him during “m.A.A.d. City”.
At Houston’s Day and Night Festival, Lamar did just that. This time the audience member was Sam, an aspiring rapper, who decided that instead of trying to struggle through Lamar’s lyrics, would just freestyle on his own.
Awesome job, guys. Check it out below.