If you listen to the news, you’ll find yourself inundated with reports of the latest scientific findings and how they may or may not make you happier, sadder, thinner, fatter, etc. etc.
Well, here’s another one…
Apparently, a study recently found that if you have caffeine the morning after a loud gig or concert (say, a strong cup of coffee to get you going), your hearing may not recover as well as if you swear off that cup of caffeine.
So, should you be worried? Should you go to great lengths to drink anything but caffeine the morning after you’ve subjected your ears to decibels beyond what’s normal?
Although these studies are very valuable when taken together, pulling out little bits of findings and trying to apply those bits to real life doesn’t really work. Let’s wait until further testing corroborates and expands on this study’s findings. Then researchers will have a clearer idea about how their findings can really help us. Take a look for yourself here if you’d like to know more about it.
Ultimately, get yourself a pair of good earplugs, enjoy the show, and drink as much caffeine as you want the morning after.