2015 Red Bull Thre3style Grand Final!
This weeks competition proved to be probably the best every in Thre3style history. Mymp3pool wants to give a shout out to each and every contestant that went to Japan and put it down for their country! Good luck in the future, and continue to rep of the DJ community worldwide.
So ladies and Gentlemen, the final night is here.
The first set of the night was the wildcard winner DJ Espinosa of USA, he prepared a hot brand new set that didn’t sound anything like his first set on Monday. Peep his full set below.
DJ J. Espinosa – USA – World Finals 2015: Championship Final by Red Bull Thre3style on Mixcloud
Second competition of the night was returning Thre3style competitor from Chile, DJ Byte. Byte got the crowd going immediately, and was ready to win this whole thing. Peep his full set below!
DJ Byte – Chile – World Finals 2015: Championship Final by Red Bull Thre3style on Mixcloud
Third DJ of the evening was DJ Ride of Portugal and the Lucky bastid winner. Sucks for Ride to have to follow DJ Bytes set, but DJ Ride was ready to go. Peep his full set below.
DJ Ride – Portugal – World Finals 2015: Championship Final by Red Bull Thre3style on Mixcloud
Next on the agenda, was funny guy from the great white north Charly Hustle. Rocking a bunch of classics again and matched them with some dances, he proved to be one of the crowds favorites by his showmanship. Listen to his full set below.
DJ Charly Hustle – Canada – World Finals 2015: Championship Final by Red Bull Thre3style on Mixcloud
Next was the breaded fellow from Germany DJ Dan Gerous. He had all the ladies dancing to his music and smooth transitions. Listen to Dan Gorgeous full final set below.
DJ Dan Gerous – Germany – World Finals 2015: Championship Final by Red Bull Thre3style on Mixcloud
Last but not the least, DJ Wiz of Switzerland came to win this battle, but this time being last probably wasn’t the best spot to be. The crowd still loved his set, but in my mind the competition was already won. Peep his full set below.
DJ Wiz – Switzerland – World Finals 2015: Championship Final by Red Bull Thre3style on Mixcloud
Here are the final results of the Grand Final!
In 3rd DJ Wiz of Switzerland.
In 2nd went the wildcard J. Espinosa of USA.
The winner of the 2015 Red Bull Thre3style competition goes to DJ Byte of Chile! Congrats brother.