
A little while ago, I told you about Rick Ross’ new album Black Market. It hasn’t been doing too badly since its release. It hit #6 on the Billboard 200. This is Ross’ eighth studio album and is apparently generating all kinds of buzz.

Some of it, though, is decidedly mixed.

Turns out that Walmart is pulling Ross’ album from its stores. Why? Oh, because of a short line in the song “Free Enterprise” where he raps “Assassinate Trump like I’m Zimmerman, Now accept these words as they came from Eminem.”

Ok, not the most inspired lyrics over all. But, do you Walmart was right to take that action? I’m the first one to argue that freedom of speech has its limits. All you need to do is replace “Trump” for any other name or group, like “women” or “Blacks”, and you’ll see what I mean. For sure, there have been musicians throughout the ages who have expressed opinions as personal and dramatic as this. But, to call for someone’s assassination? Not cool, Ross.

I have to wonder, though, would Walmart have had the same reaction if Lady Gaga or, better still, Tony Bennet, had uttered the same words? Where do you sit on this?