
If you’ve ever been a DJ at a local bar or pub, you’ve no doubt had those nights that made you wonder why you’re going to such effort to haul around all that equipment. Some nights you’re probably giving your all to a crowd that consists of a few guys leaning on the bar staring into their drinks and no women within a mile radius.

You might ask yourself why you bother. But, you really know the answer. You do it because you love to DJ, because you need the work, and because you know that no one gets the perfect crowd every time … ok, maybe Steve Aoki is the exception.

As we’ve often written here in this space, play as many gigs as you can. If the crowd is non-existent or uninterested, use the opportunity to try out a few techniques you’ve been practicing. At the very least, imagine how boring that bar would be without you. Read more about the bar DJ’s experience here.

Read about how to get more gigs here.