
We’ve spent a lot of time throughout the year bringing you tips on how to up your DJ business through various kinds of marketing, like press kits and social media. So, today I thought I’d focus in on one particular aspect of that social media puzzle – Instagram.

Instagram is huge. It has literally become more popular than Twitter. That old saying that a picture is worth a thousand words (or at least 140 characters!) is very true. Like any social media platform, you have to know what you’re doing in order to get the most benefit from it. If your followers are friends and family then what you post doesn’t really matter a whole lot. But, if you’re using Instagram to promote your business then you absolutely have to do it right.

Here are 5 tips to help you figure it all out:

  • Engage. Engage. Engage. Make sure you spend more time commenting, sharing and liking other people’s photos and videos. They will hopefully return the favor, and your name and business reputation will spread.
  • Use DJ Hashtags. Hashtag use is limited on Twitter because of the 140 character rule. Hashtags on Facebooks still aren’t a sure thing. Instagram, however, lets you go to town with as many hashtags as you want. Target your posts specifically to the groups you’re interested in reaching, like other DJs, promotors, and venues to get the most benefit for the time you put into it.
  • Look Your Best. So, this tip is true for every social media platform. Don’t post pics of yourself drunk or doing anything illegal. Your friends might think those photos are funny. But any promoter or club manager is going to read that behavior as unprofessional. Always look your best and focus on uploading pics that show you and your work at your best.
  • Promote. Promote. But Not Too Much! You’ve been hired to DJ an upcoming show, and you want everyone to know about it. Great! Go ahead and use Instagram to promote it. But, before you go and post 100, 50 or even 20 photos of yourself and the upcoming event, take a deep breath and step away from your device. Going over the top just annoys people. Figure out how much you can promote your event before going overboard. You can usually get away with self-promotion about a third of the time, if you’ve already spent a lot of time responding to other people’s posts and sharing pics that are relevant to them.
  • Shoot Videos, Too. Because of the nature of DJing, sometimes a picture just doesn’t cut it. A good video, even if it’s short (Instagram allows you to film videos up to 60 seconds long.), will go a long way in promoting your skills and professionalism. Make sure you connect your Instagram account to your website so potential clients can see what you’re all about.

Over to you: How do you use Instagram to help your business?