
Wow. This one’s from the “More Money Than …” file.

The name Martin Shkreli might not ring a bell. But, no doubt you’ll remember him when I tell you he’s the CEO who raised the price of a critical drug used to fight parasidic infections by 5000%. Despite promising to lower the drug’s price. He hasn’t yet done so, at least, not in any way that really matters. It still retails at either $375 to $900 per pill, depending on your source.

Well, Shkreli didn’t stop there. In September, he did something else that’s noteworthy. He decided he wanted to buy a Wu-Tang Clan album. Not just any Wu-Tang Clan album, of course. No, this was an exclusive –the only copy of the hip hop group’s latest album called Once Upon A time In Shaolin. Pity the other bidders. Shkreli ended up out-bidding everyone. He paid $2 million for it. I guess the members of Wu-Tang Clan fell asleep that night dreaming of luxe cars and bottles of Louis XIII.

You can read more here.