
There’s been a lot of discussion lately about whether or not the festival environment is really the best place to consume music you love and learn about what new music is out now. There’s so much going on at festivals that’s it’s sometimes hard to focus in on what the artist is playing. Not only that, but all artists, including DJs, are likely to play their most popular songs.

They want to keep the crowd happy and dancing, right? Although some might play a few bars of a new track; or if you’re lucky, they’ll play the whole song. I can’t place all the blame on the artists, though. The crowd is likely to want to hear only what it knows and loves.

Whether or not festivals are the best place to expand your musical repertoire, they are good for one thing – checking out how DJs set up their gear.

Some things never change, like the fact that you need to have your computer within easy reach. Everything else, though, seems to depend on personal style.

Check out these 10 DJs and how they set up their gear. Which set-up do you think works best?